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Build a world-class team

If your business has multiple employees in need of AI Fundamentals training, our online, on-demand group training solutions can be customized to meet your team's unique needs and goals. Our instructors are current-day practitioners and industry certified, bringing their proven AI experience and expertise to you and your colleagues.

Browse our exam prep resources

Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Online Course

AI Fundamentals Online Course

This interactive, self-guided course blends knowledge and performance-based training components to help you master key AI principles, models, and infrastructure. You’ll be able to access your study materials and performance-based labs on demand—and you’ll earn 5 CPE upon completion.

US$160 Member pricing | US$220 Non-member pricing

AI Fundamentals Lab Package

AI Fundamentals Lab Package

Access online labs to help you build and reinforce the skills required to master critical AI principles and concepts. Labs include Machine Learning Models, Security Implementations of AI, and Robotic Process Automation. Once purchased, labs are available on-demand for 12 months. You’ll also earn 4.5 CPE upon completion.

US$136 Member pricing | US$200 Non-member pricing

Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals Study Guide, 2nd Edition

AI Fundamentals Study Guide

Authored by global industry experts, this study guide helps build your knowledge of the AI Fundamentals domains, outlines what to expect from the exam, and offers example questions complete with recommended answers. We recommend purchasing the AI Fundamentals Lab Package as a companion to this study guide.

US$40 Member pricing  |  US$44 Non-member pricing


Audit and Assurance

Exam Candidate Guide

Review the Exam Candidate Guide to learn about exam registration, scheduling, preparation, rules, administration, scoring, retake policy, proctoring and more.


Yes, You Do Need a Badge

ISACA’s digital badges are managed by Acclaim (Credly)—an enterprise-class badging platform, providing security and protection to your credentials. Once you have earned your certificate, you can display your abilities securely online, share your verifiable achievement with peers and prospective employers, and export them for display on other platforms and social media.